So I have spent the past few weeks thinking. Trying to nail down what is most important. Trying to give myself some perspective.
So I have outlined my worst case scenarios.
Worst case scenario #1: I don't have the surgery now and end up with cancer in the next few years.
Worst case scenario #2: I have the surgery now and a few years from now I am unhappy and upset that I never had my own biological children.
Worst case scenario #3: I have horrible menopausal symptoms for the next few years.
So. When I write them out. I see something pretty clear. #2 and #3 are temporary and there are options for me to work through.
#1 could equal death. Which is pretty permanent.
So. I'm gonna do it. That's how I feel right now. I'm going to chose short term suffering to have a better long term life.
I am trying to read up on things I can do to mitigate menopause that are not hormone based.
If you are reading this and have any suggestions please PM me.
If you are reading this and would like to take me to lunch or bring me lunch during my recovery PM me when I am in recovery.
If you are reading this and just want to say something nice. Go ahead and do it. I can use all the love and positivity out there.
Much love.
Love you! Terrie
OH! Because of my lung disease, I was never able to have children. I married a man withv2 sons, but had I not, I would have adopted or perhaps a surrogate. My daughter-in-law is a surrogate. She blessed 2 families with 3 babies. Have you thought of this possibility? I love you, Sweetheart.