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Showing posts from March, 2008

Sunday Sunday

I realize now the best investment a cancer patient can make is to obtain a personal assistant. I sit here and think of all the glorious ways my assistant could well...assist me. I just need to think of a way to fully justify and fund the assistant. One day maybe... I am much more functional after the "new" chemo. However, I feel the fatigue big time. I was in Sears on Sat and had to go out to the car and sit down. I just started to feel light headed. Maybe it was all the appliances and tools staring me down? Good news - one of my nurses advised me that my hair will start to grow back now. I guess the first chemo I had was the one that caused hair loss. So that is good news - I must say I have been wearing bandanas and I feel like I need a motorcycle or at least an official helmet so I can better live the part of a biker.

1 down 11 to go

So far the second session of Chemo is much easier than the first. The only side affect I really feel is that I am really really tired. Aside from that I am good to go. I am working hard to try and stay positive, think of all the good stuff. I am trying to look at is as I only have 11 chemo's left to tackle. I am hoping that with the lower dose of chemo I will have more energy and a better mental outlook. I hope all who read this are doing well :) Later Kids

Getting Ready

I had a really good weekend. I got to relax and feel normal, well mostly normal, when you are noticeably bald and meet new people, you don't get to feel totally normal. I start chemo again on Thursday. I am kind of nervous. This next round of chemo is not going to have as severe of side affects as the first but it is more often. I keep looking forward to August/September. To the point where this will be something I did - not something I am living each day. There are parts that are so difficult I don't think I can handle it. Then there are days when I just sit back in awe of the amazing people around me, the people that love me. It is such a trying time and also such a time of growth and appreciation of the many people in my life. I guess I am trying to prepare myself to go back to the doctors office Thursday. This is the first Chemo I am going to by myself. In a weird way I am glad I am going this one alone. I think it will be good to do one alone. I have no idea why...

St Patty's

First off - I am feeling really good. Enjoying the 60 degree weather, colder is better - I wear hats to hide my lack of hair and I feel safe in my Pink Floyd hoodie - so cold weather is well suited for my favorite attire. Second - I think I am a perfectionist. I have insane standards set for myself and those around me. I can tend to be demanding - not for things but for people to be strong and do the right thing all the time. I am learning. Learning how to allow myself not to be perfect. Learning to understand that many of the people who love me do and say the wrong things - because we are not perfect. I am so very thankful to feel good today. I got a lot of work done and I am planning to go to a friends for a tasty meal. Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Struggle and Fight

I found myself in a dangerous place today. A sad place. The place where I push out everyone and well, I just cry. I cry for understanding. I cry begging for peace. I tremble because I am just so weak. I start to look at people at see them happy and it makes me mad. It makes me envious. I think it is natural to go there - given the circumstances. I spent a good portion of my day struggling. It was a bad day. That is until I took a baby step. I forced myself to leave and go to a friends for dinner. I cried the entire time in the car on the way. It is so crazy but I am most open to crying and letting out the pain in my car. It is my haven. I tried to pull myself together but I couldn't. I took at least a hour to find "me" at their house, to start joking around wholehearted. I ate dinner and thought about going to hear some Reggae tonight. I was ready to call it a night - go crawl in bed and cry. I called my friend first and she sounded so excited that I was...

Balls of Fire

Most of you know I am now an ex-smoker (catching the cancer helped that to happen). With that comes renewed taste and smell abilities. That has caused me some peril as because of the chemo I am way over sensitive to smell and taste and spend large chunks of time with a metal taste in my mouth piece (no bueno). So this blog is about perseverance. I have decided to overcome a large hurdle today, a challenge if you will. I purchased atomic fireballs. I am about halfway through my first one. Whew those puppies are intense. I keep fighting through the burn because I know once I persevere (scream = word of the day) and make it to the sweeter center of the "ball of fire" I will experience the great joy of reaching my goal. So here's to making it to the sweet center. Holla - Rosie

No more evil shot

Right now I feel it is really important to highlight all the positives I can. I have gone through 4 pretty tough chemotherapy sessions. The day after each one I had to get this shot to boost my immune system. The shot makes you feel horrible, insane muscle and bone pain. Good news - With the next round of chemotherapy it is a smaller dose so I don't need the evil shot. Three cheers for no more evil shot!!!!

New Info

Just found out that the last part of my chemo is not every three weeks (six sessions) as I originally thought. I have to go once a week for 12 weeks (boo hiss). The good news is that this Chemo should have less severe side affects. That's all for now - time for a nap. ;)


Tonight was Pastapalooza - which really translates to people come over to my house and eat food/drink beer. It is fun to have a bunch of people I like over, I swear I laugh more on Wed. than any other day of the week. I am glad I established the night before Chemo parties, it is a night full of laughter and just what I need right before Chemo. I am excited that it is my last AC chemo tomorrow - but I really really don't want to go through all the side affects over the next week and a half. It sucks - real bad. I am trying to remind myself of all the ways I am lucky. I have a ton of support, more people than I realized care about me. I have a very treatable cancer. I have not once been told that I could die (another plus). I have a roof over my head, I have a good job and good insurance. I have so many things to be thankful for - but at the same time I feel like a big baby because I am so tired of Chemo. I feel really bad for my mom - as she is the one who sees the bad more...

Monday Monday

This Thursday is my final AC session. (yay) Which means that I have made it through most of the super agressive chemo. After this chemo I will have an extra week before the next session of chemo (next session is every three weeks, six sessions). I am looking forward to having an extra week as right now I start to feel better two days before I have to go through it all over again. This whole experience is so strange. I spend a significant amount of time not feeling anything. I think it is a defense mechanism. A way to cope with everything going on. Important Note: Not feeling anything is better than feeling bad ;) So I set little goals for myself to achieve, simple ones - and keep on trucking. I spoke with my friend who has gone through the whole chemo deal today. Was the best 20 minutes I have spent on the phone in weeks. It is so very nice to talk to someone who has gone through it. I don't have to explain how I feel or why - she just gets it. So if anyone who reads t...