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Beer thirty

What an interesting day...

This morning I saw a guy walk thru my backyard. That was followed immediately by a loud sound, I later identified as my cooler being opened and closed. Turns out my "neighbor" has been stealing lukewarm beers out of the cooler on my back porch. I went outside, saw that the cooler that previously held 20-30 beers was left with 2 beers.

I went to the edge of my backyard and saw him going into his fenced in backyard. I stood there for a minute in disbelief, to which he walked back out of his yard. I immediately went back into my house and locked the door. (After moving the cooler closer to my house thus making it less accessible).

I made a few phone calls to people telling them about the event - laughing at how insane it is that my neighbor is stealing beers off my porch. I imagined him thinking wow I am thirsty, why don’t I walk 5 houses down and grab a beer. Then repeating this process about 30 times. I also pictured him hanging out on my back porch laid back in a chair sipping away at Bud light. I took bets from people on whether he would come back for the last two beers.

Well - he did. This time it kind of made me angry, as he was "caught" and I let it slide, so stealing the last two beers was a little insulting. So this time, I walked to the edge, made eye contact and kind of threw my hands/arms up in a "WTF" kind of way. He walked around to the front of his house.

I went to my front door and asked my neighbor who was outside if she saw a guy walk around the town houses. Turns out she did and she told me the cops picked him up an hour ago, but he just got back. I guess his mom owns the townhouse and she locks him out during the day.

Well I guess his guilty conscience caused him to walk up to me. (Thankfully in full view of 5 other people.) He apologized and explained that he is an alcoholic. I told him yeah I guessed that when he stole beer at 11 in the afternoon from my backyard. He apologized and then promptly asked if I had any more beer. I told him no. He tried to pay me $1.65 for the beer because he felt bad. I insisted that he keep his money. He then asked me if I could go buy him beer. I declined.

So what started as a really funny situation this morning: a lukewarm beer stealing neighbor, turned out to be a really sad situation: a 20 something raging alcoholic with no where to sleep.
At least I know I will be better at making sure all my doors are locked.


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