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One more to go!!

I have been writing in my head the past few days, not quite making it to paper until today. Things are good, really good. Minus some pretty severe fatigue and sleeping issues. But as time goes on you get used to that, it is part of the game.

I have been assessing my friendship qualities as of late, trying to figure out who I have been a mediocre friend to the past six months. I find that sometimes those the closest to me are the ones I have not been the best to lately. Not that I throw sticks at them or anything, I just keep them on the back burner as far as their lives go. It is just that cancer is so all consuming. It is hard for me to escape it.

I have taken care of all the things I have control over lately, so I have been doing the waiting game dance for a while. Waiting to find out about radiation, waiting to find the right surgeon and reconstruction procedure. Waiting, Waiting, Waiting. And while I wait the world is still spinning around me, most the time with me trucking along with it.

I have officially completed my 11th treatment of Taxol and I have one left. I am pretty darn excited to be done with Chemo, what a long road I have been on. It is kind of surreal, like I keep expecting to go in next week and they will tell me I have to go for 6 more weeks. So I guess I am not really going to start celebrating until I complete my last chemo next Thursday. Oh what a glorious day that will be.

I realized the other day that a lot of people who read this may not know that much about me, Rosie at 28. You have touched my life at different times and therefore may not know that much about the current Rosie. So let me fill you in a bit.

I love driving, I suspect I may have been a race car driver in a past life, just ask any passenger who has ridden with me. I love cars, I find them fascinating but my heart belongs to Toyota Tacoma’s. When I hear a car with a throaty exhaust, my nostrils flare. Much like when I hear a particularly nasty guitar riff.

I love to dance, to all types of music; if I can't dance my hands are moving to the beat. I love watching my friends play music; it is extra special as I love the music and my friends - so uniting those together is perfect.

I am incredibly rational 95% of the time, sometimes to the annoyance of my friends. I like people to be happy, which causes me to make lots of jokes, especially in awkward moments. I could go vegetarian if I did not happen to love medium rare ribeye steaks. I often want to go to a Japanese steakhouse, just for the fried rice.

I talk non-stop if I am nervous, as if the silence would kill me. The more comfortable with people I am, the less I talk. I am trying to find balance in my life, the past 4 years have found me either insanely active or incredibly sedentary, and I still have not found my middle ground.

I have on more than one occasion stayed up till four in the morning reading Harry Potter books, yeah I admit it. I have a crazy active imagination and can scare the crap out of myself easily so I don't watch too many scary movies as they stick in my mind for days.

I am a die hard Redskins fan, to the point that I have no problem getting into an argument with a 7 year old Cowboys, Giants or Eagles fan that may or may not have been sitting behind me at Fed Ex. Most my friends find it ridiculous that I would never date a Cowboys, Eagles or Giants fan - although my Redskins fan friends seem to understand.

I tend to have abrupt endings to things because I think about it for a long time before I act. Like right now. Peace.


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